Water & the Subconscious Mind
The mind is a lake and its under still waters that we find the jewels we are looking for. Through meditation we can travel through our mind and create this stillness. Everything is energy and the mind no less, a calm heart sends electrical waves relaxing the waters of the mind and we are able to exist in a supreme state
This supreme state is our natural state and the more we return to this space we are taken over by primal energy and uplifted.
Water is fluid and actually is the best conductor of electricity. Our mind serves this same function with cosmic electricity. We are in tune and can feel the waves of the Spirit. We can hear the subtle calls and are able execute with no hindrance
As we heal our subconscious mind we will become strong and gain depth like the ocean. We are able to feel others on a deeper level and are more aware of the energies in our environment. We gain depth to our being and are able to live as an integrated being. Like the water we are adaptable and able to work with others, though we also retain our nature
Continue to flow in life. There will be storms though these are a necessary part of your journey. Think about it, after a storm the plants look brighter and the air is cleaner. The same for your mind, Mental storms will give you a new perspective and clear away any lower thoughts.
One may wonder, “I’ve been through so much how can you expect me to make it through all these storms?” The thing is Meditation.
Remember we’re talking about water and the subconscious mind; meditation is that strong boat in the midst of the storm. As the mental waves crash high, the meditation can even turn you into a submarine. In the deep depth its like revisiting the womb, you’re transformed and you come out Blissful
Infinite respect and stay fluid, our mind is fragile and deserves its proper attention. Keep your waters clear and live as a perfect reflection of the Cosmos