Transformation of the Soul

The soul will go through infinite experiences upon this plane of flesh. Without proper guidance, one can feel lost or even crazy on their path to self realization. There will be times where you cry and others where you feel radiant and full of joy. These are the ups and downs of the path. They represent the moon, its ebb and flows and our subconscious mind.


As the soul raises it will actually descend into hell. This is the beginning of the Christ story as the soul has to go through a death and resurrection process. The soul will descend into the subconscious psyche and have to face the horrors of the mind. It is here where we have to come face to face with our biggest fears and insecurities. It is not an easy journey as these fears and insecurities are powered by our own thoughts and life experiences. Every hero has to face the devil and the soul must face its double too.

A lot of souls drown in these deep waters of the mind as it calls for the highest discipline. The soul sets out on a dream though many demonic and parasitic thought forces will raise up to try and destroy it. The soul will go through battles and feelings unknown to the common man. It is here where transformation begins to take place. The Higher Spirit will place each soul in a situation specific to it and the soul will have to question itself. The soul will come to face with a lot of lies it was given and the eye will open to see through the deception of humanity. The soul will see the world isn’t as pretty as it seems and it will begin to feel the suffering of nature and its fellow soul tribe.

The soul may struggle, though as it grows it will notice it becomes more powerful. In each situation the soul learns a great lesson and also gains a superpower ability. Sometimes its intuition, telepathy, foresight and or the ability to create a reality.

The soul must keep going, this isn’t its first life nor will it be the last! Infinite journeys and tests the soul will go through, will it make it?

The answer resides with you!


Mindstate of a Goddess


Mind of a Old Nega